Aircraft avionics is a fast-growing, ever-changing segment of the aviation industry. Flightstar is constantly working to stay up to date with industry standards, providing you, the highest quality of service. From a handheld GPS to custom glass cockpit installations, we can do it all, regardless of your aircraft type or size. Our experienced teams have you covered with a combined knowledge in STC development, communication, navigation, pulse, autopilot installation, servicing, and repair.

Greg Vail
Avionics Sales
How can we help?
Reach out directly to Greg with your avionics questions.
Proudly Representing
- Century
- Collins Aerospace
- Elliott Technologies
- Flight Display Systems
- Garmin: Platinum Dealer
- GENESYS Aerosystems
- Gogo Air
- Honeywell: Premier Dealer
- Rosen
- P.S. Engineering
- Universal Avionics